File Resources

The Resource Center link below will take you to a Google Drive folder containing many documents & files pertaining to the churches, committees, and other groups in the Presbytery.

Please note that this is different than the Shared Drives used by the committees & groups — those are private drives accessible to group members. Contact the office if you need assistance getting access to your group’s drive.

Resource Center Index

Don’t know where to find your file? That’s OK! You can use a text search of this page (ctrl-f on Windows or cmd-f on Macintosh) to search the index below and click the link to go right to your file. The search will only find exact text matches, but you can play around with the search terms to find what you need. And as always, reach out to the office if you’re having trouble.

Index updated as of Wed Sep 18 2024 08:33:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Resource Center

Revised VMTF Timeline

Presby Data Presentation.pdf

Congregation Newsletters

John Knox — Knox News.pdf

Ashtabula — Ashtabula Times.pdf

Parma South — E-Tidings.pdf

Northfield — Good News.pdf

Noble Road — The Window.pdf

Clerks of Session Resources

Clerk Manual 2024.pdf

11-COM-1 Miminmum Terms of Call.pdf

2023 Session Minute Checklist   - Sheet1.pdf

2023 Session Minute Checklist  .xlsx

Anti-Racism Resources

Anti-Racism Policy

PILP Antiracism-Policy.pdf

Thoughts from other presbyteries about forming an anti racism policy

Tips for Writing Anti-Racism Policies PBMC Oct 2023.pdf

Shifting Accountability for Racial Ethnic Ministries in the PC(USA) from Variety to Equity .pdf

AntiRacism Policy - congregation template.docx

Compilation of  Comments

Agencies and Entities Antiracism policy - Diverse Voices Table.pdf

Dismantling Racism Policy for Presbytery FINAL Adopted Sept 13  2018 (1).pdf



Anti-Harrassment Policy DRAFT.docx

AntiRacism Policy - Presbytery template.docx


Anti Racism Ammendment Language.pdf

Jobs, Calls & Opportunities

JobPosting.8.2024 (1).docx

First Willoughby — Accounting Administrator.pdf

UPCaM Executive Director Job Description 2024.pdf

Parma-South — Pastor.pdf

Covenant — Christian Education Assistant  Summer 24.pdf

Covenant — Saturday Tutoring Program Director.pdf

Pioneer Memorial — Director of Music.pdf

Forest Hill — Bookkeeper.pdf

Parma South — Director of Music.pdf

Northfield — Day Care Center Lead Teachers.pdf

North — Half Time Covenant Co-Pastor.pdf

First Willoughby - Christian Education Coordinator.pdf

First Willoughby -  Secretary.pdf

Parma South - Audio_Visual Coordinator.pdf


PWR - LPC Letters to Voters II article.pdf

Journey to Abundance and Shalom.pdf

LPC Letters to Voters event for PWR.docx.pdf

Women in History Performance July 28 2024.docx.pdf


AMIS Flyer Cultural Connections 4.0 V2-4.pdf

Sdop flyer (Eng & Spanish).pdf

Sdop flyer (Eng & Spanish)

SDOP ‘PSA’ 2024.pdf

Love Your Neighbor - Know Your Networks

Bible Study Jeremiah 29.pdf

Listening to the Neighborhood.pdf

Stated Meeting Documents

Stated Meeting Calls

Stated Meeting Minutes

November 2023 Minutes.pdf

September 2023 Minutes.pdf

July 2023 Minutes.pdf

March 2023 Minutes.pdf

May 2023 Minutes.pdf

January 2023 Minutes.pdf

Past Years

2022 Minutes

2022 Minutes.pdf

2021 Minutes

2021 Minutes (1).pdf

2020 Minutes

October 2020 Special Meeting Minutes.pdf

September 2020 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

July 2020 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

June 2020 Special Meeting Minutes.pdf

May 2020 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

January 2020 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

2019 Minutes

October 2019 Special Meeting Minutes.pdf

November 2019 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

September 2019 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

June 2019 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

March 2019 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

January 2019 Stated Meeting Minutes.pdf

Information on Hosting

So You're Going to Host a Presbytery Meeting.pdf

Child Care at PWR Meetings Policy.pdf

Presbytery Member Resources

Pulpit Supply List

Disbursement Voucher - Transfer Request.xlsx

Midwest Request  Disbursement Voucher - Transfer Request.xlsx

Pastor Resources


Conflict Intensity for Sessions.pdf

Conflict Intensity for Sessions (1).pdf

Links for Worship Planners (1).pdf

Congregation Resources

Clergy Compensation Report.pdf

Worship & Coronavirus

Pulpit Supply List

Presbytery Stewardship Letter.pdf

Guidance and Recommendations for in-person meetings.pdf

Guidelines and Recommendations for Reopening Church Buildings.pdf

Live Streaming Music - Copyright Info

Hunger Ministry from Home



Advisory Opinion Church in an Emergency or Pandemic

Worship & Coronavirus



Per Capita Worksheet

Ethics Policy Approved 11-28-11.pdf

Commitment to the Wider Church 2020.pdf

Stewardship Letter 2019.pdf

Photo Release Form

Guidelines for Presbyterians During Times of Disagreement.pdf







Committees, Networks, and Local Chapters

Manual of Operations Current.pdf

Agenda/Minutes Template

Vision Fund Team

Project Information Questions for Vision Fund Application.pdf

Project Information Questions for Vision Fund Application.docx

Application Cover Letter.pdf

Grant Rubric.pdf

Race Action Network

Racism 101 Article.pdf

Ministry Advocating for Homeless Persons

Emergency Shelters.pdf

Stations of the Street

NEOCH Street Card.pdf

Countering Myths About Homelessness.docx.pdf

Homeless Bill of Rights.pdf

Glossary of Terms - Homelessness.pdf

Committee on Nominations and Representation

Self Development of People

MidCouncil SDOP packet application v3_2021 Updated to fillable.pdf


Committee on Vitality

Indy Vitality Presentation

Indy Slides Vitality.pdf

Adventure or Die 3 Session 2021 with Tempered_Presbytery of Western Reserve.pdf

Committee on Preparation for Ministry

PWR CPM PolicyOnInquirers&Candidates.pdf

CPM alternate exam process.pdf


Committee on Preparation for Ministry Advisory Handbook




















Coordinating Cabinet

Committee on Outreach

Outreach 2024 Grant Letter.pdf

2023 Outreach Grant Application.pdf

2023 Outreach Grant Application

Love Your Neighbor - Know Your Networks

Committee on Operations



Committee on Ministry

Minimum Terms of Call

Pulpit Supply List

2022 Minimum Terms of Call for Less Than Full Time

Invitation to an Interim Pastor or Interim Associate Pastor

Understanding Effective Salary

Ordination/Installation Service Checklist

Administrative Commission for Ordination or Installation Report Form

Appointment of a Covenant Pastor

Offering Policy

On Calling a Pastor

Tax Advice from the Board of Pensions

Committee on Leadership

Ethics Policy Approved 11-28-11.pdf

Photo Release Form

