Funding For…

The Vision Fund

The new Vision Fund application is now live! Visit for more information on the funding parameters & process and to fill out the application.

Self Development of People

Visit to learn more about grants from the Self Development of People Committee.

Committee on Outreach

Stay tuned for more information about the 2024 funding cycle! Contact with questions.

Committee on Ministry Emergency Support Fund

To provide assistance for emergency needs related to the counseling function of the Committee on Ministry. Contact the Committee on Ministry for more information.

Pastor’s Salary Sharing Fund

To assist churches unable to meet Presbytery adopted minimum compensation levels for pastors, and also to assist smaller congregations with other costs of compensating pastors, including Board of Pensions dues for family medical coverage. Contact the Committee on Ministry for more information.

Contingency Fund

For emergencies and/or unanticipated expenses, as determined by the Committee on Operations. Contact the Committee on Operations for more information.

Beckwith Trust

New church construction as well as the repair and rehabilitation of, and/or construction of additions to, existing Presbyterian Church buildings within the Presbytery. Contact the Committee on Operations for more information.

Urban Ministry Fund

For supporting vital urban ministries. Contact the Committee on Operations for more information.