Find a Church The cities pictured on the map are not an exhaustive list — they’re meant to give some geographic reference so you can “find yourself” and locate a church near you! AmherstHeritage Presbyterian ChurchAvon LakeAvon Lake Presbyterian Church 12 BeachwoodSt. Mark’s Presbyterian ChurchBrecksvilleKorean Central Presbyterian ChurchClevelandBethany Presbyterian ChurchChurch of the CovenantOld Stone ChurchNorth Presbyterian ChurchCleveland HeightsForest Hill Church, PresbyterianFairmount Presbyterian ChurchNoble Road Presbyterian ChurchIndependenceIndependence Presbyterian ChurchLakewoodGrace Presbyterian ChurchLakewood Presbyterian ChurchMedinaMedina Presbyterian ChurchNorth OlmstedJohn Knox Presbyterian ChurchNorthfieldNorthfield Presbyterian ChurchOlmsted FallsChrist United ChurchParma HeightsParma South Presbyterian ChurchRocky RiverRocky River Presbyterian Church 3 ChesterlandChrist Presbyterian ChurchBainbridge CenterValley Presbyterian ChurchLyndhurstLyndhurst Community of Faith ChurchMentorMentor Presbyterian ChurchPepper PikeChurch of the Western ReserveSolonPioneer Memorial Presbyterian ChurchWickliffeWickliffe Presbyterian ChurchWilloughbyFirst Presbyterian Church, Willoughby 4 AshtabulaEast Side Presbyterian ChurchFirst Presbyterian Church, AshtabulaTrinity Presbyterian ChurchKingsvilleKingsville United Presbyterian ChurchNew LymeNew Lyme Presbyterian ChurchNorth KingsvilleNorth Kingsville Presbyterian ChurchOrwellOrwell North Presbyterian ChurchRomeRome United Presbyterian Church